Wednesday, 7 December 2011

Wow I'm lazy...

Ok, yeah, I've been lazy in the realm of the blogosphere. I really mean it, since I haven't written anything since the 21st of November. So...  As a sort of pseudo "make up for it" apology, I'm going to pretty much make this a blog about stuff between then and how and cram it into bite size pieces so that you can still get your Goobs Says Blog fix!

  • Job opportunity

    Ok, I didn't go into this before, but I had a great opportunity to get a really good job that would start my career into IT. Unfortunately I didn't get the interview, and it bloody sucks! Apparently I didn't get the interview because they felt that I didn't have "Enough Experience", I always get annoyed when people say that, mainly because I have to ask "Where do you get experience?", come on it's not like a video game where in like Dragon Quest you can spend hours running in circles, fighting slimes, and grinding for experience; clearly there's something in my life that can prove that, I mean hey I built a whole database system for a charity, don't tell me that's not enough experience for you!?

    Urgh...  before I whine on better get to the next subject...
  • Video Games

    Ah ha, yes, as you may have noticed from a previous blog, it's getting close to Christmas, and the top selling games are coming out, and oh my, if there's a reason why I haven't posted anything for ages it's because of Zelda Skyward Sword. Sure I have Skyrim, and I have Super Mario 3D Land, but Zelda Skyward Sword is REALLY good, and the more I play it the better it gets! I mean ok I hear a lot of people, include my best friend, about how amazing Skyrim is, but here's the issue, it's STILL an Elder Scrolls game. "But what do you mean Ian, yes, it is an Elder Scrolls game!", that's the issue, as much as they've changed stuff, such as not using Gamebyro, Thank God... It's still pretty much, find enemy, walk backwards and swing your sword like a crazy man and hope you have better range than they have. Which I've seen in previous Elder Scrolls games, at least in Zelda Skyward Sword, Nintendo made an effort, and I really mean effort, into motion plus to make the best use of (near) 1:1 sword motion control, and it really works this time, which means that fighting this time isn't a case of bashing a button enough time until an enemy dies, you need to observe their defence and attack their opening, swinging like a mad man won't get you anywhere. That and there's lots of personalty in the game which I haven't seen in previous Zelda games. At the moment I'm at about 35 hours in, which is pretty dang long for a Zelda game, since it took me about 20 hours to beat Ocarina of Time, and I haven't beat Skyward Sword yet! So it's clear that the game is pretty damn big! So yeah, big thumbs up for Zelda Skyward Sword!
  • Kindle

    Yup, I got tempted, and I got myself a Kindle! I waited for Black Friday, and I saw no price change for the Kindle 4. So I went the John Lewis and got myself a Kindle. What do I think of it? It's pretty cool, its screen makes all the difference, reading on it is just like paper, and reading for long periods of time doesn't strains my eyes like my phone does. I bought a few books, mainly Terry Pratchett and Shakespeare scripts, I've been reading the Carpet People, The Colour of Magic, A Midsummer Night's Dream and Great Expectations; reading more of The Colour of Magic makes me want to read the other Disc World books that Terry Pratchett wrote! So yes, the Kindle is defiantly making me want to read more books! Which is a good thing!
  • Hair Cut

    Oh yeah, I got a hair cut today, have a look...
Hello... ladies...  lol!
 That's pretty much all I have, I hope I haven't disappointed you, I know it's been a while, but I'm GOING TO DO MY BEST to write Blog posts on a regular basis!

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